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Saturday, May 3, 2025  9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Barry County, Prairieville Township Park

Saturday, May 10, 2025  9:00 am - 1:00 pm
​Newaygo State Park Boat launch

Saturday, May 17, 2025 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Barry County, Charlton Park Boat Launch




  • This is intended to be a fun fishing event for all skill levels; from beginning youth anglers to experienced youth anglers. 

  • You can fish from a boat or from shore.

  • 1 or 2 youth anglers plus at least 1 adult coach / mentor per team. Only the youth anglers can fish. Multiple adults are allowed to coach.

  • 2 DIVISIONS: Trophies for the winners in each division
    14 - 18 years old.
    up to 13 years old

  • Pre-register for this tournament by making $35 payment (for each tournament you will be fishing) to Tim DeYoung/TTT's Outdoor Adventures through Venmo @TimDY - 616.514.0979 providing full first and last names of anglers (kids) & coaches (adults). If you do not have or are not comfortable using Venmo, please don't hesitate to contact me. 

  • Please Pre-Register as soon as possible if you plan to participate in the tournaments.

  • Lunch and door prizes will be provided after the tournament!

Youth Tournaments: About


  • Check-in before the tournament starts. Check in will open at 7:15 am.  Draw a number for blast-off.  TTT'S OUTDOOR ADVENTURES will provide each team with a scale, log packet, and blast-off number at this time.

  • Launch your boat.

  • PLEASE attend the pre-tournament meeting.

  • Stage your boat for blast-off.  Try to stage your boat according to the blast-off number you drew at check-in.

  • Start of the tournament / blast-off.  Hold your blast-off # up so that the Tournament Director can see it once your flight is called as you go past him. 

  • Largemouth and Smallmouth bass only. 

  • When anglers catch a bass, the coaches MUST oversee the process.


During the Tournament:

Step 1.  Every bass caught needs to be weighed on the scales provided by TTT'S OUTDOOR ADVENTURES.  If the bass IS the 1.5 LB MINIMUM WEIGHT or larger, proceed to Step 2. If the bass is less than the minimum weight proceed to Step 1.5.
Step 1.5 Carefully release all bass that are less than the minimum weight.
Step 2.  Take a clear picture of the ENTIRE bass scale showing the weight providing proof of the weight. Weigh the bass in LBS 0.00 (NOT KG OR LBS & OZ) on the scale.
Step 3.  Carefully release the bass
Step 4.  Fill out your log sheet for that bass.
Step 5.  The coach must text the team #, kind of bass (LM = Largemouth, SM = Smallmouth), length and weight of the bass to the phone number we provide for each tournament.  DO NOT SEND PICTURES! 
Step 6.  Be done fishing and back to the boat launch BY THE END OF THE TOURNAMENT.  You are NOT expected to have your boat on the trailer yet.  You do need to be back to the launch area, done fishing and staging to pull your boat out at this time.  ANY TEAM THAT IS NOT BACK ON TIME WILL RECEIVE A 1LB PER MINUTE LATE PENALTY.
Step 7.  Load your boat and re-park your rig.
Step 8.  Check-in by turning in the scales and logbooks TTT'S OUTDOOR ADVENTURES provided you for that tournament.  Be prepared to verify your logbooks with the pictures you took if asked.
Step 9.  Food will be ready for you.  Eat, socialize and enjoy yourself.
Step 10.  Trophies and prizes will be presented once weights are accounted for.

​CONTACT:  Tournament Director - Tim DeYoung (616) 514-0979 with any questions or concerns during a Tournament. 


  • 2 or 1, 13-year-old and younger anglers per team – OR – 2 or 1, 14 - 18 year of age anglers per team. 

  • These tournaments are for 18 years or younger anglers only to fish. Adults are NOT allowed to fish.

  •  All laws are to be followed.

  • Pre-fishing is NOT allowed on the same day as the tournament.

  •  Lifejackets Must be worn anytime the combustible engine is running.

  • Artificial lures only. NO LIVE BAIT.

  • Nets are allowed. 

  • No trolling. 

  • No more than 1 line per angler can be in the water at the same time.

  • Only use of rods 8' long or less than 8' long are allowed.

  •  You are NOT allowed to operate the combustible engine. (only coaches can operate the combustible engine)


​​   CONTACT: Tournament Director - Tim DeYoung (616) 514-0979 with any questions or concerns during a Tournament.


  • Only the YOUTH anglers are allowed to fish

  • 1 or 2 coaches per boat (coaches must be 18 years old or older)

  • Must operate the combustible engine.

  • Lifejackets must be worn anytime the combustible engine is running.

  • Pre-fishing is NOT allowed on the same day as the tournament.

  • Coaches can help with the following
    * Tie line
    * Unhook fish 
    * Net fish
    * Weigh bass
    * Measure bass
    * Run the trolling motor
    * Recommend lures
    * Recommends spots 

  • TTT'S OUTDOOR ADVENTURES strongly encourages coaches to mentor anglers in these tournaments. Let the kids do as much as they know how to. Teach and show the kids how to do what they don't know. 
    CONTACT: Tournament Director - Tim DeYoung (616) 514-0979 with any questions or concerns during a Tournament.

Youth Tournaments: Files





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